Green Door - A Few FAQs
Find out more about Green Door's point of difference, how our lower commission licensed agent service is different from a typical real estate company and how it works - for you.
How Can Green Door Real Estate's Licensed Agent Division Charge A Lower Rate Of Commission When Others Charge So Much More?!
Simple. We don't need our clients to pay for costly overheads, so we can offer a lower commission rate because we believe in making a fair, not excessive, profit. What other companies charge is up to them; however, Green Door Real Estate has long been recognised as an innovative, customer-focused company. We set trends, we don’t follow them, and we believe in delivering a great result for a fair price.
But Won’t A Traditional (ie. Higher Commission) Real Estate Company Be Able To Offer My Property Greater Exposure?
No. Green Door Real Estate uses exactly the same marketing channels as other real estate companies to attract buyers to your property. We feature properties on the Green Door Real Estate website, on Trademe and on as well as in a variety of specifically targeted print media publications.
There’s Got Be A Catch. You’ll Probably Have To Pay Really High Marketing Costs.
Not true. Green Door Real Estate's agency service offers clients a great, low-cost marketing package that includes a full photography service, website advertising (including social media exposure) and all related signage and property flyer costs. The only additional charges are for advertising in traditional print media real estate publications.
Perhaps You Won’t Receive The Same Service Or Results As The More Expensive Companies?
Quite the opposite in fact. The truth is that Green Door Real Estate is a genuinely client-focused company that constantly strives to exceed our customers’ expectations, not only in terms of successful sales achieved but also with regard to our high levels of service. Our ongoing success has been largely due to repeat and referral business that, in turn, has been the result of our many satisfied clients returning to us and recommending our services to others looking for a low-cost, high-value deal such as the one we offer at Green Door. The fact remains that selling through Green Door Real Estate achieves a great result and the client still saves thousands of dollars in the higher commission charges they would have paid elsewhere.
Then Why Do Some People Still Use Them?
Some people probably aren't yet aware what Green Door Real Estate can offer. While there might still be some people who may not yet know about the great value we can offer them, nonetheless, word of our range of high-value professional services is growing fast. People are starting to realise that they no longer need to pay a higher fee for a great result and Green Door Real Estate’s reputation is attracting an ever-increasing number of vendors who want to sell but who don’t want to have to pay a higher fee to do so. You’ve doubtlessly heard of the phrase, “if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.” Well, Green Door prides itself on continuing to prove people who direct that particular statement at us to be wrong.
We Don’t Yet Have A Green Door Real Estate Office In Our Area. Can We Still Choose Green Door?
Yes. Not a problem. You can still benefit from Green Door Real Estate’s powerful brand and marketing expertise wherever you’re property is located. Our Online Sales Kits are proving increasingly popular with people looking for great results that won’t break the bank, so you can click here for more details on our range of specialist ‘For Sale By Owner’ private sales kits.
Want To Find Out More?
Contact Our Helpful Team Today To Find Out How You Can Pay Less & Still Receive More When You Sell Through Green Door.
Email: [email protected]
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