Great Restaurant for Thai or Korean
Are you looking for a big restaurant with lots of free parking, close to train
station, and a mature suburb with an established group of clientele!
This restaurant location will tick all your boxes!
The vendor has upgraded the front and kitchen providing chinese cuisine and set up for 140 seats.
A well layout kitchen with space for further modifications, so no need to start from scratch, just buy the existing one and modify to suit your cuisine.
Turnover has been in the region of $14000 to $15000 per week without liquor license.
The facilities are adequate to apply for B.Y.O. or even a full liquor license.
With recent change of staff turnover has dropped to around $5000 to $5500 - but with a good chef there is great potential to build this back up within a short time.
This location is great for Thai, Korean or steak house - there is no competition!
Vendor has dropped their asking price below the set up cost, and just want to be out as quick as possible. Rent is low at $4448 per month includes all water, outgoings and GST.
Long term until April 2027.
Asking price is $80,000 +gst (if any)
Call me for more details... Freehold property may also be available for purchase