Constantly at the mercy of a landlord, 6 weeks notice to get out, can't have pets, children's schooling not stable and secure!
Or... home ownership in a village a mere 35 - 40 minutes away from Richmond, with a fabulous community feel, 4 square, library, cafe, tavern, in the heart of natural New Zealand... bush walking, fishing, hunting.
A flat, well fenced and sunny 1,013 square metre freehold site, with a remarkably well designed three bedroom family that has a surprisingly large lounge and good sized bedrooms.
What more could you give your children? Stability, community, an excellent educational environment... so its your choice. You can sit around wingeing about how you've been priced out of the property market, or you can grab this affordable opportunity for home ownership with both hands and secure yours and your family's future! Make your offer!